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Little Spoon Review + Exclusive Discount

Little Spoon Overview

Little Spoon Baby Food

Looking to feed your baby the best healthy and organic baby food? Save time and money with Little Spoon Organic! Today, we sharing my honest review and giving you all of the details about week with Little Spoon.

This baby food has a few key characteristics that set it apart from the alternatives, not the least of which is that actual parents inspired its creation.

The founder, a mother with multiple children, wanted to be able to feed her babies nutritional food without having to spend all day researching or making her own.

She and her team also preferred to avoid the problems they perceived with many commercially available baby foods, such as intensive ingredient processing.

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Enjoy Babyblends Plan From $2.74 Per Blend at Little Spoon
Click button "GET DEAL" to enjoy Babyblends Plan from $2.74 per blend at Little Spoon

Organic Food for Your Child's Early Days

One of the most notable differences between Little Spoon and other manufacturers is the fact that it sells plant-based, dairy-free, organic baby food.

It also uses a wider range of ingredients than what you might find in the baby food at your local store.

Little Spoon Babyblends

If you're concerned about the types of additives and preservatives that your little one might be consuming on a regular basis, then choosing these meals, which are prepared biweekly and not shelved for long periods, could prove much healthier.

The ingredients included in Little Spoon blends are USDA organic-certified and non-GMO verified.

The company also draws from more than 80 different fresh organic foodstuffs to deliver a wide variety of purported health benefits. This might prove extremely appealing to picky babies and grownups who want to broaden their kids' palates with a robust blend of healthy fare early on.


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Nutrition-preserving Preparation and Packaging

These baby foods are packaged using high-pressure processing, or HPP, technology. This cold pasteurization method is designed to eliminate living contaminants, such as microbes, fungi and bacteria, without also destroying vitamins, minerals and other nutrients the way that heat sealing might.

Little Spoon Organic Baby Nutrition

The firm also uses completely recyclable packaging materials that steer clear of chemicals like phthalates and BPA. You can throw the container, lid and plastic spoon in any regular recycling bin, so there's no cleanup to worry about. The shipping materials are also recyclable and use insulation made from reclaimed denim. The ice packs include a biodegradable filling that you can pour down your sink before recycling the shells.

Another big distinction is that Little Spoon uses a gentler preparation method to create its products.

For instance, it avoids extreme heat cooking techniques that might reduce nutritional value, although the company doesn't make any outright scientific claims to this end.

One promising sign is how the business clearly affirms that its statements haven't been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, which is a refreshing bit of honesty in an industry packed with overblown marketing.

You can customize to your baby's needs

Upon signing up, the first step is to let Little Spoon know what your baby needs in his or her baby food. Have a picky eater? Or maybe an adventurous eater? Just starting purees or beginning to transition to table food? Little Spoon will send the right baby blends for your little one!

It's cost effective

If you're signing up for the first time, you can purchase Little Spoon Organic Baby Food for as little as $2.06 per blend! When you consider that the ingredients are healthy, fresh, and completely organic, we consider the price per blend as very cost effective.

Blends Designed for Healthy Development

The Little Spoon company maintains a three-member nutrition council that includes highly credentialed pediatricians and nurses. All of the baby blends are categorized according to which developmental benefits they deliver, such as contributing to brain, bone, digestive, eye, immune or muscular health.

You can also filter the different options according to their textures, which might be a big bonus for parents whose babies are preferential or teething.

Healthy Boosters

Little Spoon Organic Baby Food

These organic baby food supplements are designed to support your child's health by combatting specific problems. For instance, there are blends that include naturally derived vitamin and prebiotic compounds to fight colds, deal with iron deficiencies and overcome constipation.

These add-ons come in individually packaged servings containing premeasured, powdered mixes that you can mix into liquids or Little Spoon's usual Babyblends. This convenience makes them ideal for using at home or while you and your child are out and about. Like all of the company's products, the Booster line includes non-GMO and organic fruits and veggies.

Where Does Little Spoon Deliver To?

This business ships its products to addresses in the continental U.S.

The Bottom Line

Will your baby love the Little Spoon flavors you present them with each week? True, there's no telling how a baby's unique palate might develop, but being able to get healthy custom meals delivered on a regular basis is no small feat.

Considering how much parents might spend to get independent nutrition advisement, this seems like a good investment for health-conscious families.

While it's true that there are many options for finding great toddler meals, few appear to be as well-thought-out as what Little Spoon offers.

Being able to cancel or let the company know which blends your babies love is also a massive plus for stressed-out, busy parents. While it would be nice to see more upfront pricing transparency, the variety of options and tailor-made nutrition are definitely worth investigating. Finally, it's pretty sweet that each package, as the name suggests, conveniently includes a tiny spoon.

What is Little Spoon

Little Spoon Fresh Blends

Little Spoon is a baby food delivery service. Their baby food blends are delicious, creative, fresh, and organic!

What You Should Know About Little Spoon Organic Baby Food

Little Spoon works to make life simpler for grownups. The firm appears to have put quite a lot of effort into supporting you with a variety of choices tailored to your family.

Planned Meals

One of the coolest aspects of this baby food delivery service is that it hooks you up with a personalized course of meals. This ideal menu is specially formulated to suit the different stages in your child's ongoing growth.

Each shipment of baby food in the meal plan comes with detailed information revealing the potential benefits of the blends. You'll also receive background information about the developmental stages that your baby is going through and what milestones to look out for. In other words, this service might take a lot of the work out of doing research and trying to make sense of toddler nutrition. As your baby grows, the blends you'll receive will also evolve to keep up with not only their health needs but also the taste preferences you share with the company.

Little Spoon Meals

Allergens and Preferences

Little Spoon makes it easy to track and modify your child's menu.

Unlike many adult food delivery services that tend to revolve around surprises, you can check out what's upcoming at will and make adjustments.

Although you're discouraged from modifying your subscription randomly because it throws your child's nutrition plan off-kilter, you can indicate preferences and allergen information while you're adjusting the schedule.

Subscription Control

Little Spoon lets you make adjustments to your baby's regimen as needed. For instance, you can skip specific days, cancel your subscription entirely or even put everything on hold temporarily while you travel.

Little Spoon Delivery Service

While you can modify individual orders using the online account management tool, you'll need to send an email or chat with customer service to cancel or make other major modifications. Be aware that if you want to change an order, you'll need to do so by the Saturday before your delivery would usually arrive.

Is This Right for Your Toddler?

According to Little Spoon, babies typically don't begin eating solids until they're about four to seven months old. That being said, you'll need to talk to your pediatrician to find out when you can give your kid solid foods. Except for the Gut Feeling probiotic option, the company's Boosters are recommended for after your baby begins eating solids.

What about the regular organic baby food blends? Little Spoon makes it more straightforward to choose the right feeding options by providing purees of varying textures based on your child's age. Since babies take time to develop the ability to handle thicker foods, relying on your custom pediatrician-approved menu might be the most painless route.